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Sign-up Sheet FAQ

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Sign-up Sheets. Learn how to find your sign-up sheet, track participation, and more.

FAQ for Sign-up Sheet Organizers

Where can find my Sign-up Sheet?

You can locate your sign up sheets under the 'My Doodles' section of the new dashboard.



How will I know if someone participates in my Sign-up Sheet?

To view your participation in a session, please read this article. Currently, organizers are not informed about participation activity via email. We will evaluate adding it as a post-Beta enhancement.


Can I limit participation in a sign-up sheet?

Yes, sign-up sheet organizers can set a limit on how many sessions a participant can select. The participation limit value must be less than the total number of sessions. For example, if you offer 10 sessions, the session limit for participants can be any value between 1 - 9. We recommend you set the total number of sessions you are planning before applying the session selection limit.


Are sign-up sheet responses hidden?

Yes, by default participants of a sign-up sheet will not see who else has registered for any session. Only the organizer of a sign-up sheet can review enrollment information. To learn more about how to review participation in a session, please read this article.


Where can I find the video conferencing link to my session?

Video conferencing links per session are only available in the calendar invite. Adding video conferencing links to the Sign-up Sheet environment is scheduled for a future enhancement.


What is the maximum number of sessions I can add to my Sign-up Sheet?

The maximum number of sessions allowed per sign-up sheet is 99.


Can I create a Sign-up Sheet without a Doodle account?

No, organizers need to be enabled access to Sign-up Sheets and logged in to their Doodle account to create a sign-up sheet. We are not supporting anonymous creation at this time.


Can I export Sign-up Sheet participation to CSV?

Yes! Click here to learn more about how to export your sign-up sheet's enrollment data.


Can I delete a sign-up sheet?

Yes, you can delete a sign-up sheet. To delete a sign-up sheet:

  1. Open the sign-up sheet you wish to delete

  2. Click the three-dot icon

  3. Select 'Delete'

  4. Confirm your selection by clicking 'Delete' in the popup window


The option to delete a sign-up sheet directly from the Dashboard Beta is being built and is expected to be released in Q1 2024.



FAQ for Sign-up Sheet Participants

Can anyone participate in a sign-up sheet?

Yes! Anyone who is invited to participate in a sign-up sheet can provide their response to the organizer - no account required.


Can I participate in a Sign-up Sheet anonymously?

Yes! Anyone who is invited to participate in a sign-up sheet can provide their response to the organizer - no account required.


Can participants edit their selections?

Yes! Participants can edit their selections by clicking 'Edit' from their registration confirmation screen. Make sure you are logged in to your Doodle account to access the edit feature.


I participated in a sign-up sheet and do not see it on my Dashboard. Where can I find the information?

Currently, the sessions you register for from an event organizer's sign-up sheet are visible on the Dashboard Beta. However, the sessions you register for from an event organizer's sign-up sheet are not visible on the classic Dashboard. To see the event on your dashboard, please make sure you select the new dashboard beta.

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